
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting 2024

Dear Church, 
As we enter 2024 we will be joining in with churches around the globe in 21 days of fasting.

January 2024 – 7th Jan-28th Jan
To confirm dates for 21 days of prayer & fasting which will begin on 7th Jan and will finish on January 28th with a fab event.
Baptism Service
We will celebrate with a Baptism service on Sunday 28th January followed by a big church meal together straight after our morning service.
Please do let Neil & Sheila or Oliver know if you are interested in adding to the group who are being baptised.
The list below is what we will be working on as a Church to start afresh in 2024. 
These are the specific things we will be praying for as a church community. 
  1. Praying for Continued renewal and a fresh hunger for the things of God
  2. Praying for Rock Bradford and our church unity and indeed the “away-leg” of our vision (& our on-going relationship with The Rock network). Particularly with Rock Walsall , also in the south for connections.
  3. Praying for families and our children’s work at The Rock.
  4. Praying over our home leg, the work of The Rock Centre and Bamboo connect & how we can best use the centre to reach out.
  5. Praying for more Salvations/Baptism services in 2024.
  6. Praying for different nationalities to continue to join the life of The Rock church.
  7. Praying for our Silver linings group (Retired) 65+ and how we can further develop this work
  8. College & Career group (16age-30age)
  9. Praying for under 16’s & kidzone workers. 
  10. God would continue to connect us to the right churches and partner ministries.


There are various types of things you can Fast. You don’t need to do what everyone else is doing, you need to think about something that takes up a lot of your time.


This could be food, social media, gaming, reading or even going out with friends every week. If something has taken over a lot of time in your life, this would be the ideal thing to Fast. Anything that you can do less of, in order to spend more time with God. 


An example of what you could do is below.

Monday- Daniel fast

Tuesday 7pm- start 24hr fast

Wednesday 7pm 24 hr fast. (Close fast)

Thursday – Fast books/tv 

Friday- Fast social media (Facebook etc)

Saturday- Daniel fast 

Sunday- social media/ games etc


Take a look here for more guidance and advice from FourSquares who are hosting our prayer and Fasting in January. Here you can find a Prayer guide and a Family Prayer Guide. Click on the descriptions to go to the websites.